Stronger Organisations

Our work to enable stronger organisations is delivered in two ways. First, direct consultancy support for VCSE organisations seeking expert help to develop their workforce, specific skills in research, development and impact practice. Second, through our strategic workforce development and skills consultancy we can make an indirect impact at a much wider scale – for a whole sector, a region or in specific commissions, UK or Europe. Here is a flavour since 2007.

Organisational development in the VCSE sector

Skyblue has worked with over 50 VCSE organisations, charities, trusts and foundations in the UK since 2007 to support their survival and / or growth and development. These range from the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust to the Ramblers Association, the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) to the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust. We work with smaller local VCSEs to helping with their business planning, visioning, bid-writing, and impact practice including these examples:

  • Boroughbridge Community Care – helping Trustees agree a future vision as a community anchor organisation and developing new skills using the Social Value Engine to communicate their impact in new and exciting ways to investors
  • Kingdom Faith Yorkshire – supporting a member of staff develop a new approach to collecting data and evidence and feeling confident to use new methods to demonstrate the hidden value of the services they provide in their community
  • North Yorkshire Youth – Skyblue supported this infrastructure organisation win the largest 3-year National Lottery Reaching Communities Fund Project in the county in 2020 through youth-informed research, evidence collection and the creation of a compelling business case for Youth Mentoring
  • OCAY – please see the article on the right and their subsequent national award following some coaching support from Skyblue
  • Nidderdale Plus – to support their approach to impact practice encouraging them to publish their first impact report in 2024
  • Community Anchor Organisations – across North Yorkshire as part of an investment in their infrastructure following successful, cooperative COVID-19 emergency response working in the sector and to help each CAO develop specific organisational characteristics. In turn this supports not only their own organisation, but their local grassroots networks too and the population they serve in the communities in which they are rooted.  

Workforce development, skills, training and CPD

Since the 1990s, Skyblue’s founder, Alan, has been at the forefront of researching, authoring and consulting on workforce development (WfD) investment. Over time this has grown from the first sector workforce development plan written in the North West of England for the tourism sector to a portfolio of WfD projects spanning over 20 sectors in all English Regions. For specific sectors we have also worked at UK and European levels. From this Skyblue was renowned as a specialist in ‘all things skills and productivity’ related and we’re proud to have authored many publications, evaluations, guides and toolkits in this field for diverse sectors from engineering and manufacturing to culture and the creative industries, from construction and home building to the health and social care. There have been some highlights:

Case for Collbaboration in Homebuilding report front cover

Making the case for, and then successfully supporting, the development of the UK’s first Home Building Skills Partnership bringing well known competitors together around the common challenge of workforce development for 5 years. This helped thousands of employees directly employed by home builders but also their supply chains through increased investment in training and CPD. Our work also explored fast track pilots and skills bootcamps to increase new entrants’ speed to competence.



Publishing a best practice guide for how to evaluate training in the nuclear sector that continues to be used by organisational members of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear.





Assuring Autonomy report front cover

Working with our associate Paul Rhodes to publish an impact report for the Assuring Autonomy International Programme based at the University of York, taking us in to the world of approaches to quality assure machine learning, AI and robotics.




Learning Lessons from London 2012 report front cover

Supporting the workforce planning for the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games and authoring many of the regional skills, employment and education plans to maximise benefits for organisations and workforces in each area of the UK. This included our first publication (about education legacy from mega events) in English & Arabic too!




At a European Level we have evaluated many transnational sector skills and standards projects and have enjoyed a long-lasting partnership with EOSE | European Observatoire of Sport and Employment where much of our work has been used. In the UK we have devised workforce strategies seeking to improve leadership, management, technical-, digital-, collaborative skills and human factors within industries and local workforces.

Our current workforce development and skills focused projects include:

  • A brand new Sport and Active Wellbeing sector Workforce Development Framework for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (2025-2030)
  • Leadership focused projects: We are the Learning Partner since 2020 for the Hull and East Yorkshire Confident Futures Programme which is developing a network of leaders in the voluntary and cultural sector. We have also completed research and engagement activity to inform Community First Yorkshire’s leadership development approach
  • Continued expert support for the National Skills Academy for Nuclear as they seek to ensure the significant recruitment and skills challenges facing this sector are achieved in the UK to support long term energy security and Net Zero ambitions.  

High performance, culture and behaviour change in organisations

Two research studies of note for the Construction Industry Training Board that sought to impact thousands of organisations have explored related topics:

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Learning Methods Research (2019) which assessed the most effective ways to learn so that organisations can invest more confidently in their people to encourage higher performance
  • What the relationships are between culture, behaviours, quality and productivity in the workplace. The findings of this study has been embedded into the long-term investment and commissioning approach of the UK construction sector, but is likely to have significant transferability to other highly regulated sectors with similar industry drivers (see article right).

Helping schools to improve through Continuing Professional Development

Many of our consultancy and research projects have supported education institutions. Typically we make the case for whole school CPD, collaborative learning or other interventions that can support them achieve their School Development Plan priorities. Our current work has led to investment in CPD for schools including Behaviours for Learning, Inclusive Practice, Science Technology Engineering and Maths teaching and Academic Resilience.

Dame Kelly Homes

Here is just one in a series of Impact Reports we produced with the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust since 2014

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust Impact Report home front cover
Download the report

OCAY wins Impact Award!

Skyblue is delighted to learn that following the delivery of its ‘understanding impact’ coaching programme, OCAY (Older Citizens Advocacy York) has won the ‘Improving Impact’ Charity Governance Awards 2020 category award for 0-3 staff charities. Our congratulations to Ruth Potter, OCAY’s inspirational Charity Manager and her team. Thanks also to the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust whose Funder Plus Programme enabled Skyblue to design and deliver the Programme to multiple charities across York as a collective.

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Nidderdale Plus

Nidderdale Plus’ first ever published impact report. We’re proud to have supported some coaching for the team to build confidence and skills to achieve this milestone.

Nidderdale Plus report front cover
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Impact Report puts work of the ECITB under the microscope

ECITB Impact Report front cover

The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board has published its first ever impact report completed by Skyblue in 2020-21 highlighting its role to support firms with their training during the pandemic.

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Education Legacy from Major Events

Education Legacy report front cover
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Behaviours, Cultures and Performance in the Construction Industry

Behaviours in the Construction industry front cover

Behaviours, Cultures and Performance in the Construction Industry” represents the most thorough investigation into behaviours and cultures in the industry to date. The research completed by Skyblue is based on a systematic review of literature and supporting primary research with nearly 600 employers, employees, behaviour change experts and other stakeholders.

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Aspire to STEM evaluation

STEM Learning have published our outcomes evaluation of this STEM Programme reaching nearly 200 schools since 2018. It has contributed to improved subject leadership, enhanced teacher retention, improved quality of teaching, community engagement and has boosted STEM uptake.

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Skyblue Research Limited
41 Wetherby Road, York, YO26 5BU
Tel: 01904 340942
Company number: 06285696
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